I decided that becoming a new father was the perfect time was to launch and maintain a blog. What could possibly have gone wrong? Oh right. That.

I had the best of intentions – honest. After years of writing for other blogs, it was finally time to spread out on my own and give it the whole experience a try. I failed. Immediately.

Before I started this blog, I looked at two prevalent realities in my life.
1) I love discovering new music and writing about it
2) I am now a father

Obviously I was (and am) thrilled about everything that came with the latter. My daughter – and the way my life has changed since she arrived – is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.  But my fear was  (and still is) losing touch with the former. For most parents, it’s a natural occurrence. No parent has time to debate the pros and cons of Mercury/Polaris prize nominees. No parent has time to find out who the hell they are. And as the years roll by, they feel more and more on the outs with what’s relevant. And that’s no judgement call on them or their priorities. That’s just what happens, and I find that idea terrifying.

That insight should have been what drove this blog. An ongoing commitment to a) staying current myself and b) suggesting music that other parents might enjoy. Instead, I attempted to write about my infant daughter’s reaction to music. I can now tell you that a newborn or infant’s reaction to anything is to either keep sleeping, or cry because that noise interrupted her sleep. God. I actually played a Trap album for her. WTF was I thinking?


So this is my renewed attempt to write about music; on my own terms and for my own benefit. I’ve been listening to new music and I’ve got things to say about it. Some day, there’ll be more. maybe some interviews. Maybe not. I don’t know. I know that having this blog is a gift I tried to give myself during a sea change, and that I think I’m ready to fully unwrap and enjoy it.

Here’s to second, third and fiftieth chances.

Written by Daniel