Depending on when you read this, I’m either about to, or have just become a dad. This little girl is going to become the epicentre of my life and it’s going to be amazing. And why? Because I get to share everything I love about life with her.

In the time I’ve been around, the thing I’ve come to love most music. Every moment I’ve experienced; every person I’ve met; every place I’ve visited. They all have a soundtrack.

So this girl. This wonderful girl. I get to try and create beautiful moments for her. I get to bring her to all the places I love, and we even get to discover new ones together. And from day one, I’m going to share my soundtrack with her. I hope she’ll love it as much as I’ve grown to, but she may very well hate all of it, and that’s cool too.

The bunch of us, we have stuff to learn. Arguably me more than her. It’s almost an unfair trade-off, really. She’s going to teach me patience, compassion, a sense of a responsibility (beyond my vinyl collection and my car) empathy and purpose. Me? I’m going to teach her which way to look when crossing the street, and why London Calling is still so culturally pervasive. It’s almost unfair, really.

Theory of a Dad, Man is about these intertwined paths we’re on. We’ll change each other, but we’ll change together.  I have so many hopes for her, but among them is the hope that she creates her own soundtrack. Whether it’s Ella Fitzgerald or Ellie Goulding; The Who or the Weeknd, we’ll experience all of it together.

Oh, and I really hope the band Theory of a Deadman doesn’t sue me.


Written by Daniel